Donation Stela of Ramesses II from Sidi Oweis at Sudan

Document Type : Original Article


1 tourist guidance, minia university

2 Tourist Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University


Donation stelae are essential to the understanding of the historical setting of each period as they traditionally include a king's reign years and record donations from some of the most prominent dignitaries of the time. Donation stelae give us a glimpse of the economic aspects of the ancient Egyptian temples. This paper provides an examination of a republished donation stela of King Ramesses II. The stela was discovered at Sidi Oweis, north of Sudan. The study aims at contextualizing this donation stela, whose main character is Heka-Nakht, the viceroy of Kush and governor of the principality Teh-Khet during the reign of King Ramesses II. It is proposed that the main role of the viceroy of Kush in the process of donation during the Ramesside Period was to be as a deputy between the central government in Egypt proper and the provincial authorities. The researcher conducted an analytical and historical study.


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