Guide for Authors

1-    All copyrights are reserved to the publisher.

2-    The Journal is not financially obliged to the authors in return for any sort or means of publication.

3-    All types of liability related to the articles –published by the Journal– are attributable to the author and/or contributor. The Journal, however, is not in the state of being liable for what is published in it.

4-    Articles–submitted to the Journal– should not be previously published in any sort or currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

5-    The articles submitted to the journal should represent a genuine contribution to knowledge, original research discussing a new topic, or dealing with a topic that has been addressed but from a new point of view.

6-    Non-scholarly sources, such as online encyclopedias and forums should not be cited as reference.

7-    The researcher must cite all the sources used in writing the manuscript, any absence of referring to and/or giving credit to other sources will be taken as a case of plagiarism and would be considered violating the intellectual property of others. This would negatively affect the scientific reputation and credibility of the author, and his/her chance to get any of future work considered by MJTHR.

8-    Submitted papers must be written in English.

9-    Manuscripts should be typed in MS Word.

10-    Words limitation should not exceed 8,000 words, and it is possible to accept papers that reach a maximum of 10,000 words if the editorial board accepts that, and in this case, the researcher bears additional fees.

11-    The title must be brief and express the subject of study, and the number of words should not exceed a maximum of 15 words.

12-    The number of keywords should not exceed 8 words.

13-    The research should contain an abstract that does not exceed a maximum of 300 words and includes the aim and problem of the study, the methodology used, the main results, and the importance of the study. The abstract must not contain references.

14-    Referring to a table or a figure must be referred to in the text with the citation of its source (if it was taken from some source and not written by the researcher), as follows:

Fig. 1 Table 1

All figures and tables must be numbered and inserted as close as possible to where they are required with headings. All tables and figures must thus be embedded in the main document.

Title of the table should be written in normal font on top of the table.

Title of the figure should be written in normal font under the figure.

The source of the table or figure should be written under it.

15-    In the case of quoting from a source as it is without any change, the text must be written in quotation marks and add the source and the page number from which the text is taken.

16-    The main title is written in Bold, the font size is 14 for English, and the subheadings are written in Bold 12 for English.

17-    Headings must not be written in italics or under any lines. Headings, whether headers or subheadings, must not be preceded by any numbers or followed by any punctuation marks (such as colons or hyphens 

18-    The space between the lines must be single-spaced, and no extra spaces should be left between the lines in any part of the research, the spaces between paragraphs pt6.

19-    Avoid extra space between the subheading and the paragraph that immediately follows it.

20-    Punctuation marks (such as comma, period, etc.) must be written directly after the last letter of the word without any space.

21-    Note that different styles and sizes of handwriting are not allowed in writing the research paper.

22-    The parentheses () must be used.

23-    A uniform method must be followed when writing dates, proper names, and so on.

24- Abbreviations such as (isn’t, shouldn’t, etc.) should be avoided. Rather, it is written (is not, should not). It is also preferable to use and instead of &.

25-    Nicknames like Dr. should not be used. Or Prof either in the text or in the notes or when writing the author's name.

26-    The image must be of a high degree of clarity.

27-    References methods:

The Minia Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research uses traditional Harvard reference technology.

APA (American Psychological Association), the reference list must be in alphabetical order.

Note: The reference list should only include those mentioned in the text of the research paper.

The foreign references shall be written as shown as follows:

Inside the text:

Tourism development …… (Harrigan 2017) or (Ashley 2015; Harrigan 2017). Or According to Harrigan (2017).

In a case of three or more authors, (Harrigan et al., 2017) or Harrigan et al. (2017)

In the reference list:


Ashley (2015). Creative Strategies in Social Media. Journal of Brand Management. 16 (5-6, 338-346)


Kotler, P., Bowen, J. T., Makens, J., Baloglu, S. (2017). Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, Boston, MA.

28-     The editorial board will not be able to send the research paper to academic referees for consideration unless it complies with the above-mentioned guidelines.

29-     The papers must be submitted to the journal's website:

30- For Paying reviewing or publishing fees, press the following link to make FAWRY code:, then send the receipt to

31- Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be written using the attached template uploaded at the following link:

32- The video in the following link explains the process of submitting  a new manuscript to the website:

33- The video in the following link explains the process of resubmitting the revised manuscript to the website after receiving reviewers’ comments:

34- The endorsement letter is uploaded at the following link: