The Ottoman Physicians in Egypt (Case of study Dawud al-Antaki and Overview about his book Tazkiratu ulil Albab wa al-jam’ li al-‘ajab al-‘ujab)

Document Type : Original Article


Guidance department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University


This research aims to identify one of the ottoman physicians in Egypt, and his contributions during the sixteenth century. Egypt enjoyed a privileged location and many geographical characteristics making it as a meeting point between East and West at the sixteenth century. This paper focuses on the Medicine during that period in Egypt, and if there were a regulating medical practice or just folklore practices. This study relevant for Dawud al-Antaki, the blind physician, who was fond of learning and learnt many sciences. He travelled to Syrian coast and Damascus, then he travelled to Cairo and became the head of physicians. He wrote various books, about fifteen manuscripts on kalam, fiqh, and medicine. The paper researches on the famous medical book Tazkiratu ulil Albab wa al-jam’ li al-‘ajab al-‘ujab that affected a lot on the Egyptian medicine, it was divided into introduction and four parts, was included into three volumes. Dawud al-Antaki, like other physicians at this period believed in Jinn and their ability to infect people, so he made a lot of amulets to treat that.


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