The Firman “Decree” 1841 to Keep the Rule of Egypt Generally

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourism Guidance, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, minia university

2 History Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University

3 Tourist Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University


This research aims to most important goals that Muhammad Ali pasha sought to achieve his ambitions in establishing a large Arab empire. andThe Egyptian expansion in the Arabian Peninsula was one it’s most important goals of the Such goal posed a great danger to Britain, because the attempt to control the south and east of the Arabian Peninsula would lead to control the road of the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf. Due to this reason, the conflict between the Ottoman Sultan and Muhammad Ali pasha began. Britain took advantage of the Egyptian-Turkish crisis in 1839 AD, and the issue ended with the intervention of its forces in Syria, and Muhammad Ali was forced to withdraw from all the provinces he seized following the conclusion of the London Treaty of 1840 AD between the Ottoman Empire and the four European, powers (Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia) this study clarified the effects of the issuance of the firman 1841AD and its results limiting his forces ,restricting his authority in Egypt within its natural borders and some areas in Palestine and to abide by the conditions of the Ottoman Sultan’s Farman, which led to the weakness of Muhammad Ali as the mentioned countries gave themselves the right to intervene in future to protect this province against any Ottoman interference, which means that the successors of Muhammad Ali pasha must rely on full European support to preserve the independence of their province in the future.
