Horus, the son of Osiris

Document Type : Original Article


Tourist Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Suez Canal University


The myth of Osiris centers around three main events: the murder of Osiris by
his brother Seth, the posthumous conception and birth of Osiris‟s son Horus,
and the conflict between Horus and Seth. Osiris became king of the
netherworld, and Osiris posthumous son, Horus the child proceeded to fight
with Seth over the inheritance of his father, both on the battlefield and in
court, and he finally triumphed over Seth. This god appeared with different
epithets as being „He who rows the manDt bark‟, „Courage gives him strength
Qnt‟, „He who is cleansed by Thoth after his mother Isis gave him birth‟,
„His strength is given to the king‟, and „The king is his son sA, killing a
crocodile „Horus, the son of Osiris‟ also appeared with different
iconography; as being a „Human‟, „Falcon‟, or „Falcon-headed sphinx‟.