An Evaluation of Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Egypt's Tourism Industry: A Case Study Analysis

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourism Studies Department- Faculty of tourism and Hotels

2 Investment and Entrepreneurship expert at the Egyptian Investment Authority (GAFI), Lead advisor, the entrepreneurship center’ of the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT

3 tourism studies, tourism and hotels, Minia University, Minia, Egypt


The study investigates the fundamental starting point for the state's economic development process, which involves identifying opportunities and challenges, understanding the stages of development, and economic aspects. Additionally, the research assesses the role of the entrepreneurial network in stimulating tourism entrepreneurship and the development of the Egyptian tourist destination. The study also examines the Mashreq incubator, which sheds light on emerging models, the size of growth, and competitiveness in the recent period. Finally, the study encourages innovative and digital solutions to enhance the competitiveness of the tourism sector.
This study depends on two approaches, the exploratory approach, and the descriptive approach to achieve its objectives. Thus, the researchers designed a scale that was distributed to a random sample of entrepreneurs in Egypt, especially the tourism sector. The research tool was designed on the google form website. The tool was electronically distributed to the study sample, and the researchers used the program of Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS V.22) to reach the required results, According to, Pearson Correlation analyses, there is a strong positive and significant relationship between the Start - up Business Model and opportunities available entrepreneurship and innovation in the Egyptian tourism sector. These results showed that there is very strong positive. correct responses came with 61 complete answers.
