Exploring the Prospects and Obstacles of Entrepreneurial Tourism Development in Egypt: A Comprehensive Review

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourism Studies Department- Faculty of tourism and Hotels

2 Investment and Entrepreneurship expert at the Egyptian Investment Authority (GAFI), Lead advisor, the entrepreneurship center’ of the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT

3 tourism studies, tourism and hotels, Minia University, Minia, Egypt


Entrepreneurship has gained increasing importance in the tourism industry, just like in any other industry. This is due to the close relationship between entrepreneurship, sustainability, and the survival of the industry. The tourism sector's fierce competition and the demand for novel products and services require active involvement from the entrepreneurial community. Hence, this research aims to explore the potential and obstacles facing Egypt's tourism industry, specifically, as one of the major growing industries in the world.

The study encompasses a situation analysis, literature review, a specially designed survey distributed to a randomized sample of Egyptian startups, business owners, and extensive interviews with experts in Egyptian entrepreneurship and tourism . For that sake, the study adapted the descriptive analytical methodology by employing the mixed methods which are the questionnaire as a quantitative method and the open interview as the qualitative technique for data collection. The study sample was the Egyptian startups and business owners. and extensive interviews with experts in Egyptian entrepreneurship and tourism. The research thus recommended that, establish a transparent and responsible management strategy for the sustainable development system in the tourism sector, and promote effective community participation in program planning and implementation. To provide fresh and creative financial opportunities, invest in ecotourism and environmentally conscious lodging
