Assessing The Role of Official Website in Tourism Marketing Fayoum

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourism Studies - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Minia University-Egypt

2 Tourism studies Department , Faculty of Tourism and Hotels , Minia University

3 Tourism studies-Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University


Fayoum is one of the governorates of the Northern Upper Egypt Region. Fayoum is features plenty of important tourism and archeological sites, as well as a variety of natural attractions. However, these capabilities have not been exploited as valuable tourism resources for Fayoum Governorate. Through an exploratory research, it was found that there is a weakness in the number of visitors to Fayoum. This weakness might be due to insufficient or ineffective tourism marketing especially the internet marketing efforts. This study aims to assess the role of official website of Fayoum in marketing its tourism products and make use of it for displaying Fayoum tourist attractions. Furthermore, this study seeks to identify the obstacles that hinder Fayoum’s official site to promote visiting Fayoum. A content analysis method was used to analyze content of Fayoum official website. Results showed that the site suffers from a weakness of some important tourist information. Therefore, the research recommends that official tourism website of Fayoum significantly upgrade and display more information related to attractions, services and amenities which help the visitors. Thus the official website into more effective and efficient marketing instrument.
