Epidemic Outbreaks in Mamlūk Egypt and Social Responses

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourist Guidance department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University

2 Tourist Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University


A well-known relationship between the existence of human being and the outbreak of diseases and epidemics. Starting with the early history and up till now, Egypt had witnessed many different diseases and fatal epidemics. These diseases and epidemics have affected human life in different ways financially, politically and socially. Most of epidemics are studied and recognized as biological entities which are exclusive field of scientists, but this research will study epidemics as social event that affecting the people lives. The research will track the state of people through the epidemics outbreaks in Mamlūk Egypt when it faced different and repeated plagues. The paper will define the plague, its kind and its infection and its transmission process. The paper will also provide a survey of the social attitude, response, and reaction toward the epidemic outbreaks, in addition shedding the light on the role of the sultans and the officials in such crisis
