Applying the dark Tourism Route on Islamic Architecture in Al-Darb al-Ahmar District

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Tourism Guidance, Sinai Higher institute for Tourism and Hotels, Ras sedr, Egypt

2 Department of Tourism Studies, Egyptian Higher institute for Tourism and Hotels, Egypt


Dark tourism is a relatively modern tourism style; it occurs in locations that evoke negative memories for the tourist. Islamic architecture in Cairo suffers from Tourists are neglecting and needing out-of-the box ideas to encourage tourist planners and clients to visit; one of them is presenting a black route that could be visited by clients who are involved in bloody narrations. Dark tourism is a relatively modern tourism style; it occurs in locations that evoke negative memories for the tourist. Many countries worldwide seek to demonstrate their tourism potential in this manner. Egypt has many attractions that could be utilised for this type of tourism during the course of Egypt's history. This can be seen in a lot of locations that had painful stories from the Islamic era. This is documented in history, and it needs to be emphasized in order to revive Egypt's tourism industry. Along Al Darb al-Ahmar area, there is a dark tourism path that extends from Al-Mu'ayyad Sheikh Mosque to Saladin square. This study aims to shed light on this route, highlight their bloody stories in relation to the dark tourism pattern, and identify the most important elements of their tourist attraction and how to exploit them to activate that tourism pattern in Egypt. The data was collected by using the descriptive analytical method through 131 questionnaires, all of which were suitable for statistical analysis .The study concluded the ability of carrying out the suggested dark route through Islamic Architecture in this district.


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