Evaluating Sustainable Tourism Planning for Terrestrially Protected Areas in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University.

2 Professor - tourism studies Department Faculty of tourism and hotels- Minia University, Egypt

3 Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University


In Egypt, a country known for its natural and cultural legacy, effective management of terrestrial protected areas is critical for conserving biodiversity, preserving cultural treasures, and promoting local livelihoods. However, sustainable tourism planning in terrestrially protected areas is critical for balancing conservation goals, socioeconomic growth, and tourist happiness. Uncontrolled visitation, ecological deterioration, and cultural exploitation all pose significant hurdles to tourist sustainability in these locations. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the current state of sustainable tourism planning for Egypt's terrestrially protected areas, with a particular emphasis on analyzing existing policies, strategies, and practices in relation to international standards and best practices. The methodology of the study was based on descriptive analysis using 108 questionnaires distributed to environmental researchers for Environmental Affairs Agencies in the governorates of Cairo and the Red Sea. Several statistical methods were used in the research via SPSS V.25.
The findings emphasize the importance of stakeholder engagement, improved regulatory frameworks, and incorporating community participation and environmental conservation concepts into tourism planning processes. Finally, research seeks to support evidence-based decision-making, foster stakeholder engagement, and contribute to the long-term management of Egypt's terrestrial protected areas. By providing actionable insights and recommendations aim to guide policymakers, government agencies, conservation organizations, local communities, and other stakeholders in implementing sustainable tourism practices that promote the long-term ecological integrity and socio-economic sustainability of protected areas in Egypt.


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