Assessing of Sustainability Practices in Protected Areas in Egypt in Light of IUCN Green List Standard

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University.

2 Professor - tourism studies Department Faculty of tourism and hotels- Minia University, Egypt

3 Tourism Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University


The evaluation of sustainability practices in protected areas is of paramount importance in Egypt, given its rich natural and cultural heritage. This research assesses the current sustainability practices in Egypt's protected areas and examines their alignment with international standards. The researchers used the comprehensive inventory method. Data has been collected through questionnaires that were distributed to managers of terrestrial protected areas in the Red Sea, Sinai sector, north, center, and south Central District, Cairo, and environmental departments within the governorates of Cairo and Red Sea. Through a comprehensive review of literature and empirical analysis, key sustainability indicators such as biodiversity conservation, community engagement, and visitor management are evaluated. The study identifies Opportunities and Challenges in existing practices and provides recommendations for enhancing sustainability efforts. By benchmarking against international standards and best practices, Egypt can preserve the long-term ecological integrity and socioeconomic advantages of its protected areas. The research adds to the continuing discussion about sustainable tourism planning and conservation management in Egypt, as well as providing beneficial data for policymakers, conservation practitioners, and stakeholders.


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