Artistic and Archaeological Study of a Group of Tombstones in Minia City

Document Type : Original Article


tourist guidance faculty of tourism and hotels


The research examines a group of tombstones from the cemetery of Zawiyat Sultan in the city of Minya and the importance of these tombstones in identifying the names of their owners, tracing the titles mentioned on these tombstones, and knowing the death dates of the owners. The research also aims to study the group of written inscriptions on these tombstones, and the researcher relies on the descriptive-analytical method in his research. The researcher has reached a number of important results, including counting the writings found on these tombstones and identifying the types of scripts and titles mentioned on the tombstones.In light of this descriptive and analytical study, the researcher arrived at the following results:
- Study and publication of four tombstones, two for women and two for men.
- Through the analytical study, the research shed light on the scripts used by the tombstones, namely Naskh and Thuluth scripts.
- The study clarified the methods of engraving writings and decorations on the tombstones, demonstrating an evolution in artistic and industrial style.
- The study explained the content of the writings, their purpose, as well as the floral decorations found on the tombstones.


Main Subjects