Evaluating the Governmental Inspection Process in Five-Star Hotels in Egypt (A Comparative Study)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Hotel management department, Faculty of tourism and hotels, Minia University

2 Hotel Management Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Minia University

3 Hotel Management Department, Faculty of tourism and hotels, Minia University . Egypt


The research aims to assess the governmental inspection on Egyptian hotels from the private sector perspective. The inspection is crucial for ensuring compliance with health, safety, and operational standards. Since The hospitality industry, encompassing various activities, faces unique challenges. enhanced product emerges as a pivotal factor for competitive advantage. The research targeted hotel managers, and owners of the 5-star hotels in Egypt. The research applied a quantitative method. The research was conducted from October 2023 until November 2023 using Google Forms questionnaires. The researcher targeted 82 responses representing 82 hotels out of 99 Five-star hotels. The findings revealed a positive sentiment towards the positive role of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities inspection and the star rating system, though concerns exist about the process being too equipment focused. The study recommended a comprehensive approach to cover hardware and software aspects, explore strategies to ensure continuous oversight without compromising the standards during the critical times. This approach should establish clear standards for the inspection process, explore the Mystery Shopper method, and establish guidelines for continuous improvement in inspection processes. Also showed differences in perceptions of hotel inspections conducted by the Ministry of Tourism and antiquities based on demographic factors such as age, job title, and years of experience. This research contributes valuable insights for policymakers to enhance government oversight for hotels.


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